I want to rent! How do I rent one of your properties?
To rent, follow these simple steps:
Go to our main page, www.mysticalrentals.com/main and then choose from any of the properties listed
Click on TELEPORT, this should open a link to teleport in Second Life and send you to the rental location. Make sure that the rental board is AVAILABLE before paying. Note: For Il Borgo Tuscany homes, the GREEN button above the house number is the rental board.
To pay, Right-click then "Pay" the rental board/button. Choose from 1,2,3 or 4 week options. Whenever you pay 4 weeks at a time you get an automatic 5% discount/refund.
After paying, you should receive a group invite. If not, there are instructions below on how to use the group inviter for yourself and your guests.
For assistance, contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident
I am a tenant, How do I invite guests to the group so they can rez their objects and set home at my rental?
To use the group inviter for yourself - Touch the rental board, then from the menu, choose "Grp Invite"
To invite guests to the group - Touch the rental board, then from the menu, choose "Tenants", then "add Tenant"
* Note: If you've already added someone as subtenant from the rental board and they didn't get the invite, they have to be the one to touch the rental board then ask them to choose "Grp Invite" from the menu.
Adding someone to the rental board subtenant list can only be done once for the group inviter to work. On the succeeding attempts, the person has to be the one to get the invite from the group.. Ask them to click on the rental board, then from the menu, choose "Grp Invite"
If you are not the main tenant, the main tenant has to be the one to help you.
These instructions can also be found in the tenant agreement.. It was given to you automatically on your first time renting.. Click on your rental board, then choose Info from the menu to get the agreement.
Multiscenes and Full Sim Specials
Can I change the music stream or the name of the land?
No, the music stream stays only at our very own Mystical Radio Station where we play a nice mix of Romantic songs. You can also get a copy of our free media radio hud exclusive for our tenants at the main office. It has 70+ stations that you can choose from.
The name of the land remains as Home Sweet Home as well.
How do I count my prims?
From your rental board menu, choose "Land Impact". If you've recently removed or added prims, choose "Update Prims". For assistance from any of our staff or IM MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I use my own security orb?
No. We provide you the security orb.
For multiscenes, the security is found at your rental panel area.
For Enchanted Forest, Nature, Full Sim Ground Lots, Full Sim Platforms, the security orb can be found at the center of your lot at 128,128 about 30m from the base/ground.
Does my rental have a security orb included? How do I use it?
Yes. it's a simple security where you can add/remove guests. It's separate from the group invite, so, you have to add your guests to the security as well for them to be able to enter your rental.
Here's the instructions:
Clicking on [Verbose] or [ON], it will toggle(switch) the modes.. there are 3 modes:
[Auto Mode] – Evict any intruder without asking.
[Manual] or [OFF] – No alarms will show up. Touch me to access the menu.
[Verbose] or [ON] – Alarm shows up when intruder is detected.
Clicking on [Guests]
<add> - to add a guest to the security and multiscene menu access list</add>
After Adding, tenant may choose a guest then either Delete, or give Manager rights. Manager rights is like administrator rights, so that the guest can also control security and the multiscene rezzer.
The List option takes them back to the previous menu with the guest list.. An asterisk (*) beside the name of the guest means they have admin rights to security
FOR Enchanted Forest, Nature, Empty Platforms:
To switch it on, Click the security orb, then choose "_Start", then "Normal" from the menu.
To add people to access-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “addAccess” and then select the avatar-name from the popup menu.
To add people to ban-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “Ban/Unban” button in the menu and follow instructions.
If you wish to manually enter people into the access-list or ban-list using chat-commands, you can use the following commands:
/7add + name (Adds a person into the access-list which will allow them permanent access)
Example: /7add thomas conover
/7ban + name (Adds a person to the permanent ban-list which will instantly kick anyone found on this list)
Example: /7ban thomas conover
You have to add your guests to both the group and security.
For Multiscenes: I'm in the group, why can't I use the rezzer?
Unless the main tenant has added you as manager to the Security/Rezzer, you won't be able to access the multiscene menu.
For the main tenant, After Adding a guest to the security,he/she may choose a guest then either Delete, or give Manager rights. Manager rights is like administrator rights, so that the guest can also control security and the multiscene rezzer.
Can I deed my TV and watch my own movies?
Mystical Rentals allow all 'Prim Media' TV's (you must be on the latest viewer version to access this feature). Prim Media TV's lets you display a website... and because websites can contain media players, web channels can be used to watch TV or listen to music.
I don't want to use some of the furniture and landscaping. Can I return or remove them?
You yourself can't remove our decor, but we can assist you in editing/removing some objects. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident or leave a notecard with Belladonna Kujisawa with the details of your request
What’s the zoning for my land?
Your land is strictly residential and we don't allow any commercial activity.
Can I put a skybox?
Yes, but only within your designated area/rental. If we find any skyboxes outside of your rental, they will be returned
Can I have breedables on my property?
Yes, we allow up to 10 breedables at the same time, with animations and sounds turned off.
This includes babies.
For the 240 Multiscenes, 5 breedables.
Can I buy more prims?
Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.
I have some pets and/or objects that temprezzes, can I use it on my land?
Temprezzers designed to circumvent prim limits are not permitted and will be returned when they are discovered. This includes breedable plants (Plantpets) and any breedable accessories that temprezz.
Who should I contact in case I have some questions about my rental?
There should be a "Click for Support" panel by your rental board. Click on it to open a message to MysticalRentalsSupport Resident. Our staff on shift shall contact you afterwards.
You may also come to our OFFICE.
Full Sim Ground Lots
Can I change the music stream or the name of the land?
No, the music stream stays only at our very own Mystical Radio Station where we play a nice mix of Romantic songs. You can also get a copy of our free media radio hud exclusive for our tenants at the main office. It has 70+ stations that you can choose from.
The name of the land remains as Home Sweet Home as well.
How do I count my prims?
From your rental board menu, choose "Land Impact". If you've recently removed or added prims, choose "Update Prims". For assistance from any of our staff or IM MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I use my own security orb?
No. We provide you the security orb.
For Enchanted Forest, Nature, Full Sim Ground Lots, Full Sim Platforms, the security orb can be found at the center of your lot at 128,128 about 30m from the base/ground.
Does my rental have a security orb included? How do I use it?
To switch it on, Click the security orb, then choose "_Start", then "Normal" from the menu.
To add people to access-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “addAccess” and then select the avatar-name from the popup menu.
To add people to ban-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “Ban/Unban” button in the menu and follow instructions.
If you wish to manually enter people into the access-list or ban-list using chat-commands, you can use the following commands:
/7add + name (Adds a person into the access-list which will allow them permanent access)
Example: /7add thomas conover
/7ban + name (Adds a person to the permanent ban-list which will instantly kick anyone found on this list)
Example: /7ban thomas conover
You have to add your guests to both the group and security if you want your guests to be able to rez objects at your property.
Can I deed my TV and watch my own movies?
Mystical Rentals allow all 'Prim Media' TV's (you must be on the latest viewer version to access this feature). Prim Media TV's lets you display a website... and because websites can contain media players, web channels can be used to watch TV or listen to music.
We also provide a free media TV which you can claim from the OFFICE
I don't want to use some of the furniture and landscaping. Can I return or remove them?
You yourself can't remove our decor, but we can assist you in editing/removing some objects. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident or leave a notecard with Belladonna Kujisawa with the details of your request
What’s the zoning for my land?
Your land is strictly residential and we don't allow any commercial activity.
Can I put a skybox?
Yes, between 200-300m
Can I have breedables on my property?
Yes, we allow up to 10 breedables at the same time, with animations and sounds turned off.
This includes babies.
For the 240 Multiscenes, 5 breedables.
Can I buy more prims?
Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.
I have some pets and/or objects that temprezzes, can I use it on my land?
Temprezzers designed to circumvent prim limits are not permitted and will be returned when they are discovered. This includes breedable plants (Plantpets) and any breedable accessories that temprezz.
Who should I contact in case I have some questions about my rental?
There should be a "Click for Support" panel by your rental board. Click on it to open a message to MysticalRentalsSupport Resident. Our staff on shift shall contact you afterwards.
You may also come to our OFFICE.
Houses on Land Parcels including Fantasy Multiscenes
Can I change the music stream or the name of the land?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag to be able to edit the music stream url on About Land, as well as the name of the parcel.
How do I count my prims?
From your rental board menu, choose "Land Impact". If you've recently removed or added prims, choose "Update Prims". For assistance from any of our staff or IM MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I use my own security orb?
Yes. You may deed your own security orb to our group. However, please make sure it's only securing your rental and not ejecting the neighbors. If you need help, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport.
Most of our properties include security orbs. You may use ours as well.
Does my rental have a security orb included? How do I use it?
Yes. You either have the Land Security orb (semi-transparent orb) or the Caspersafe Security (white orb)
FOR THE LAND SECURITY ORB (semi-transparent orb):
To switch it on, Click the security orb, then choose "_Start", then "Normal" from the menu.
To add people to access-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “addAccess” and then select the avatar-name from the popup menu.
To add people to ban-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “Ban/Unban” button in the menu and follow instructions.
If you wish to manually enter people into the access-list or ban-list using chat-commands, you can use the following commands:
/7add + name (Adds a person into the access-list which will allow them permanent access)
Example: /7add thomas conover
/7ban + name (Adds a person to the permanent ban-list which will instantly kick anyone found on this list)
Example: /7ban thomas conover
To switch it on, click it then from the menu choose ARM.
To add guests, subadmins - click on ACCESS.
As a minimum warning time (which we can't lower), it's set to 10 seconds. But if you choose LOCKDOWN from the menu, it will auto eject any intruder instantly, then when you leave your parcel, it will go back to 10 secs warning.
You have to add your guests to both the group and security if you want your guests to be able to rez objects at your property.
Can I deed my TV and watch my own movies?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag and that the object is deedable.
I don't want to use some of the furniture and landscaping. Can I return or remove them?
You yourself can't remove our decor, but we can assist you in editing/removing some objects. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident or leave a notecard with Belladonna Kujisawa with the details of your request
What’s the zoning for my land?
Your land is strictly residential and we don't allow any commercial activity.
Can I put a skybox?
Yes, above 500m for regular parcelled houses and above 1000m for Il Borgo, Tuscany.
Please set them only within your parcel borders. If you need assistance, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I have breedables on my property?
Yes, we allow up to 10 breedables at the same time, with animations and sounds turned off.
This includes babies.
Can I buy more prims?
Not all of our land parcels are flexible with prims. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident if it's possible to purchase extra prims.
For Il Borgo houses on regular sims (not the homesteads), Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.For Il Borgo houses on regular sims (not the homesteads)
Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.
I have some pets and/or objects that temprezzes, can I use it on my land?
Temprezzers designed to circumvent prim limits are not permitted and will be returned when they are discovered. This includes breedable plants (Plantpets) and any breedable accessories that temprezz.
Who should I contact in case I have some questions about my rental?
There should be a "Click for Support" panel by your rental board. Click on it to open a message to MysticalRentalsSupport Resident. Our staff on shift shall contact you afterwards.
You may also come to our OFFICE.
Waterfront and Sailable Land
Can I use my own group and deed it to the land I am renting?
We normally don't allow deeding of our mainland properties to other groups, so it's a no. Our properties are always deeded to our groups.
However, we can make an exception if you will be paying for at least 6 months in advance (See Special Discounts).
Contact MysticalRentalsSupport for more info.
Can I change the music stream or the name of the land?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag to be able to edit the music stream url on About Land, as well as the name of the parcel.
How do I count my prims?
From your rental board menu, choose "Land Impact". If you've recently removed or added prims, choose "Update Prims". For assistance from any of our staff or IM MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I use my own security orb?
Yes. You may deed your own security orb to our group. However, please make sure it's only securing your rental and not ejecting the neighbors. If you need help, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport.
Most of our properties include security orbs. You may use ours as well.
Does my rental have a security orb included? How do I use it?
Yes. You either have the Land Security orb (semi-transparent orb) or the Caspersafe Security (white orb)
FOR THE LAND SECURITY ORB (semi-transparent orb):
To switch it on, Click the security orb, then choose "_Start", then "Normal" from the menu.
To add people to access-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “addAccess” and then select the avatar-name from the popup menu.
To add people to ban-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “Ban/Unban” button in the menu and follow instructions.
If you wish to manually enter people into the access-list or ban-list using chat-commands, you can use the following commands:
/7add + name (Adds a person into the access-list which will allow them permanent access)
Example: /7add thomas conover
/7ban + name (Adds a person to the permanent ban-list which will instantly kick anyone found on this list)
Example: /7ban thomas conover
To switch it on, click it then from the menu choose ARM.
To add guests, subadmins - click on ACCESS.
As a minimum warning time (which we can't lower), it's set to 10 seconds. But if you choose LOCKDOWN from the menu, it will auto eject any intruder instantly, then when you leave your parcel, it will go back to 10 secs warning.
You have to add your guests to both the group and security if you want your guests to be able to rez objects at your property.
Can I deed my TV and watch my own movies?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag and that the object is deedable.
I don't want to use some of the landscaping. Can I return or remove them?
You yourself can't remove our decor, but we can assist you in editing/removing some objects. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident or leave a notecard with Belladonna Kujisawa with the details of your request
What’s the zoning for my land?
Please contact Mystical Rentals Support to confirm if a particular property can be commercial if you're looking for commercial land.
Can I put a skybox?
Yes, above 500m, not below.
Please set them only within your parcel borders. If you need assistance, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I have breedables on my property?
Yes, we allow up to 10 breedables , with animations and sounds turned off on the ground area. If you want to rez more than 10, please rez them on a platform or skybox above 500m
This includes babies.
Can I buy more prims?
Not all of our land parcels are flexible with prims. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident if it's possible to purchase extra prims.
For Il Borgo houses on regular sims (not the homesteads), Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.
Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.
I have some pets and/or objects that temprezzes, can I use it on my land?
Temprezzers designed to circumvent prim limits are not permitted and will be returned when they are discovered. This includes breedable plants (Plantpets) and any breedable accessories that temprezz.
Who should I contact in case I have some questions about my rental?
There should be a "Click for Support" panel by your rental board. Click on it to open a message to MysticalRentalsSupport Resident. Our staff on shift shall contact you afterwards.
You may also come to our OFFICE.
Nautilus Land
Can I use my own group and deed it to the land I am renting?
We normally don't allow deeding of our mainland properties to other groups, so it's a no. Our properties are always deeded to our groups.
However, we can make an exception if you will be paying for at least 6 months in advance (See Special Discounts).
Contact MysticalRentalsSupport for more info.
Why is my land in 1024sqm pieces, can you join them?
Unfortunately, we can't join the parcels of your rental at our Nautilus regions.
Linden labs didn't make it possible for us to join them. Most of Nautilus are in1024sqm parcels. Your rental is defined by the walls we put around them.
Can I change the music stream or the name of the land?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag to be able to edit the music stream url on About Land, as well as the name of the parcel.
How do I count my prims?
From your rental board menu, choose "Land Impact". If you've recently removed or added prims, choose "Update Prims". For assistance from any of our staff or IM MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I use my own security orb?
Yes. You may deed your own security orb to our group. However, please make sure it's only securing your rental and not ejecting the neighbors. If you need help, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport.
Most of our properties include security orbs. You may use ours as well.
Does my rental have a security orb included? How do I use it?
Yes. You either have the Land Security orb (semi-transparent orb) or the Caspersafe Security (white orb). We normally only include security orbs at our 490L/wk nautilus parcels, but you may request one if you want us to set it up for you.
FOR THE LAND SECURITY ORB (semi-transparent orb):
To switch it on, Click the security orb, then choose "_Start", then "Normal" from the menu.
To add people to access-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “addAccess” and then select the avatar-name from the popup menu.
To add people to ban-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “Ban/Unban” button in the menu and follow instructions.
If you wish to manually enter people into the access-list or ban-list using chat-commands, you can use the following commands:
/7add + name (Adds a person into the access-list which will allow them permanent access)
Example: /7add thomas conover
/7ban + name (Adds a person to the permanent ban-list which will instantly kick anyone found on this list)
Example: /7ban thomas conover
To switch it on, click it then from the menu choose ARM.
To add guests, subadmins - click on ACCESS.
As a minimum warning time (which we can't lower), it's set to 10 seconds. But if you choose LOCKDOWN from the menu, it will auto eject any intruder instantly, then when you leave your parcel, it will go back to 10 secs warning.
You have to add your guests to both the group and security if you want your guests to be able to rez objects at your property.
Can I deed my TV and watch my own movies?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag and that the object is deedable.
I don't want to use some of the landscaping. Can I return or remove them?
You yourself can't remove our decor, but we can assist you in editing/removing some objects. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident or leave a notecard with Belladonna Kujisawa with the details of your request
What’s the zoning for my land?
Please contact Mystical Rentals Support to confirm if a particular property can be commercial if you're looking for commercial land.
Can I put a skybox?
Yes, above 500m, not below.
Please set them only within your parcel borders. If you need assistance, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I have breedables on my property?
Yes, we allow up to 10 breedables , with animations and sounds turned off on the ground area. If you want to rez more than 10, please rez them on a platform or skybox above 500m. This includes babies.
Can I buy more prims?
Not all of our land parcels are flexible with prims. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident if it's possible to purchase extra prims.
For Il Borgo houses on regular sims (not the homesteads), Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.For Il Borgo houses on regular sims (not the homesteads)
Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident for availability and a quote regarding additional prims.
I have some pets and/or objects that temprezzes, can I use it on my land?
Temprezzers designed to circumvent prim limits are not permitted and will be returned when they are discovered. This includes breedable plants (Plantpets) and any breedable accessories that temprezz.
Who should I contact in case I have some questions about my rental?
There should be a "Click for Support" panel by your rental board. Click on it to open a message to MysticalRentalsSupport Resident. Our staff on shift shall contact you afterwards.
You may also come to our OFFICE.
Homestead Parcels
Can I use my own group and deed it to the land I am renting?
No sorry. Our homestead parcels have to be owned by our group, specifically Mystical Rentals Estate Group.
Can I change the music stream or the name of the land?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag to be able to edit the music stream url on About Land, as well as the name of the parcel.
How do I count my prims?
From your rental board menu, choose "Land Impact". If you've recently removed or added prims, choose "Update Prims". For assistance from any of our staff or IM MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I use my own security orb?
Yes. You may deed your own security orb to our group. However, please make sure it's only securing your rental and not ejecting the neighbors. If you need help, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport.
Most of our properties include security orbs. You may use ours as well.
Does my rental have a security orb included? How do I use it?
Yes. You either have the Land Security orb (semi-transparent orb) or the Caspersafe Security (white orb)
FOR THE LAND SECURITY ORB (semi-transparent orb):
To switch it on, Click the security orb, then choose "_Start", then "Normal" from the menu.
To add people to access-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “addAccess” and then select the avatar-name from the popup menu.
To add people to ban-list using the graphical user-interface, click on the security orb, then click “Ban/Unban” button in the menu and follow instructions.
If you wish to manually enter people into the access-list or ban-list using chat-commands, you can use the following commands:
/7add + name (Adds a person into the access-list which will allow them permanent access)
Example: /7add thomas conover
/7ban + name (Adds a person to the permanent ban-list which will instantly kick anyone found on this list)
Example: /7ban thomas conover
To switch it on, click it then from the menu choose ARM.
To add guests, subadmins - click on ACCESS.
As a minimum warning time (which we can't lower), it's set to 10 seconds. But if you choose LOCKDOWN from the menu, it will auto eject any intruder instantly, then when you leave your parcel, it will go back to 10 secs warning.
You have to add your guests to both the group and security if you want your guests to be able to rez objects at your property.
Can I deed my TV and watch my own movies?
Yes. Make sure you're wearing the proper group tag and that the object is deedable.
I don't want to use some of the landscaping. Can I return or remove them?
You yourself can't remove our decor, but we can assist you in editing/removing some objects. Please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident or leave a notecard with Belladonna Kujisawa with the details of your request
What’s the zoning for my land?
Our Homestead parcel rentals are strictly residential on the ground area but can be light commercial in the sky. For example: Galleries or Photo Studios where your business only allows low traffic. High traffic activities especially clubs are not allowed.
Can I put a skybox?
Yes, above 1000m, not below.
Please set them only within your parcel borders. If you need assistance, please contact MysticalRentalsSupport Resident.
Can I have breedables on my property?
Yes, we allow up to 10 breedables at the same time, with animations and sounds turned off.
This includes babies. Please don't rez more than 10 at a time because Homesteads have lower script capacity and this may cause the sim to lag or crash.
Can I buy more prims?
Homesteads have limited prim count and we don't have any buffer to sell
I have some pets and/or objects that temprezzes, can I use it on my land?
Temprezzers designed to circumvent prim limits are not permitted and will be returned when they are discovered. This includes breedable plants (Plantpets) and any breedable accessories that temprezz.
Who should I contact in case I have some questions about my rental?
There should be a "Click for Support" panel by your rental board. Click on it to open a message to MysticalRentalsSupport Resident. Our staff on shift shall contact you afterwards.
You may also come to our OFFICE.